Thursday, November 29, 2007

O Mike Divine

Will I ever hear O Holy Night and not sing 'oh Mike Divine'? We've been listening to alot of Christmas music lately, and every time O Holy Night is on, I chuckle as it gets to that part. Just one of those cute little kid things that became part of our vocabulary. Like suvvy, doo-ba-doos, zerberts, and Buffy the bear. For me, the words to that song have changed. I wonder what Mike would think.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Haves and the Have-Nots

Some people, like I was for years, are just naturally photogenic. Sure, an occasional bad picture will show up. But for the most part, they just have that natural quality that assures great pictures. Hopey seems to have gotten that particular trait.

Then, there's poor little Naomi. If you snap fifty or a hundred pictures, you'll get lots of closed or half-closed eyes, funny looks, and turned heads. Lately, you'll also get alot of tears. Her scrapbook, when I ever get it started, will only have two or three pictures per page because that's all the pictures I have where she doesn't look drugged or constipated. She's apparently a have-not when it comes to the photogenic gene.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Is 'HeyYou' a name?

Why is it so difficult to agree on a name for this poor child? Apparently we can't name him Luke because he's not one of the Duke boys. David doesn't like Levi. He doesn't like Cain (ok, I'll give him that one). He doesn't like Isaiah, or Micah, or Paul, or Thomas ("he's a train"), or Simeon, or Stephen, or Peter, or Drew, or most of the other names I've suggested.

His suggestions were Scott (you mean like Jorgens?), Adam (Barfield? I think not), and Justin. Um, no. We have a million relatives with names I sorta like but can't use- Benjamin, Joshua, Jeffrey, James, Alexander. He said Caleb wasn't too bad- I didn't mention that Kris' kid is named that. But then I saw it on a most popular list, so out that one goes.

David had grudgingly said Ezekiel, Isaac, Gideon (hey, I was just looking for anything at that point), and Ethan are ok. While I like most of those names well enough, I wouldn't really want to name my child any of them. So it looks like the only names we even halfway agree on are Joel and Seth. Then there's the middle name- now David has issues with William.............Maybe kids should be like Cabbage Patch dolls and come pre-named. At least then you just live with what you get.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bryn, have you been giving Hope pointers??

Three times today when I've asked Hope to pick up a few of her toys, she's told me she just can't because her arms are tired. Is this an inborn excuse that I just don't remember using, or has Bryn been telling Hope ways to get out of picking up after herself?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Can't we just dress him in pink......

........and pretend it's a girl?? I already had her named and everything. David had even agreed to the middle name, although I was a little sneaky in getting the agreement. I casually suggested the worst names I could come up with based on our ancestors. After he had said yuck to all of them, I mentioned the name I wanted, and he liked it. And now it was all for nothing?

I thought David and I had decided on a boy's name when I was pregnant the first time. I'd even suggested another name when I was prego with Naomi, and he said he liked Joel better. So when I called him and told him the baby was a boy, he said something about having to decide on a boy's name now. That night when he came home, he said how he'd been thinking that having a little David would be nice. Um, you already have a son and you already used David. Apparently that doesn't count? So he thinks since we like Joel, we should name him David Joel and call him DJ. Or Deej. I don't think so. We have all these pretty, biblical names for our girls and you want DJ? It's not a name, it's some letters, and it's the name of the girl on Full House. I'm not into unisex names. I'm not into initials. I'm not into Juniors. Is David there? Sure, which one? Big David or little David? Young David or old David. David or Davey? Hell will freeze before this kid's name is DJ.

I almost feel bad because when I thought David wanted to name him Joel and I kinda didn't, I was going to give in and tell him since I basically named both the girls, he could name the boy. Now, not a chance. I'm picking this one too. I guess we're back to the "you birth 'em, you name 'em" rule of mine.