Monday, September 10, 2007

You're not so good at being sneaky there, Hope

That little Hopey is funny. I suppose I'm thankful that she's not good at being sneaky. She's getting better at lying. She doesn't lie to me much, but there have been a few times when I'm not sure if she's telling the truth or not, and I have no way of checking.

But her sneakiness when she's trying to do something she knows she'll get in trouble for it cute. She is not allowed to jump on the couch, flip onto the couch, dive off the couch, etc. A few times lately she's told me "Don't watch this" or " Keep watching the tv" or "Keep reading your computer". Pretty good bet that she's going to do something on the couch she's not allowed to do.

Just now I set a cup of something I was eating on the couch. She casually wandered over to see if there was any left. There wasn't, so she asked if she could throw it away for me. Then as she's walking out of the room she says "Stay here and don't come in the family room". I don't care if she tries to scrape the sides of the cup or not, but I like that she at least warns me she's going to do something she thinks is disobedient. Makes my job a whole lot easier to have advanced notice.

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