Friday, September 28, 2007

The Scent of........something

Naomi got sent home from daycare yesterday because she had a fever and a icky nose. So last night I gave her a bunch of decongestant and then remembered a vapor plug-in thing that I got when Hope was little. So I dug it out and plugged it in, hoping it would help keep her nose clear in the night.

This morning when I went into her room to get her, it smelled EXACTLY like the lingering scent that for the last several years has followed a certain big-haired blonde we all know and plug our nose around. If I never smelled whatever that is again, it would've been ok with me. But now that's all I smell when I open Naomi's door. Lovely. I wonder how long it will take to air out her room. At least it isn't as strong as L's stuff always was.

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