Friday, September 28, 2007

The Scent of........something

Naomi got sent home from daycare yesterday because she had a fever and a icky nose. So last night I gave her a bunch of decongestant and then remembered a vapor plug-in thing that I got when Hope was little. So I dug it out and plugged it in, hoping it would help keep her nose clear in the night.

This morning when I went into her room to get her, it smelled EXACTLY like the lingering scent that for the last several years has followed a certain big-haired blonde we all know and plug our nose around. If I never smelled whatever that is again, it would've been ok with me. But now that's all I smell when I open Naomi's door. Lovely. I wonder how long it will take to air out her room. At least it isn't as strong as L's stuff always was.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I just remembered another Hope story

When we were driving back here, we stopped at rest stops fairly often for potty breaks. The second day we'd stopped about three times, and none of the times had Hope actually gone to the bathroom. So she'd been sitting on the toilet trying to pee, and I heard someone else come into the bathroom. They sat down and started their business. All of a sudden this shocked look came over Hope's face and she about fell off the toilet turning around trying to look in the bowl to see if she was peeing. She apparently hadn't heard the other person come in, so she was a little confused as to what was going on. It was hilarious- the look on her face- she looked shocked, scared, confused, and concerned all at the same time. I laughed for a long time about that one.

Monday, September 10, 2007

You're not so good at being sneaky there, Hope

That little Hopey is funny. I suppose I'm thankful that she's not good at being sneaky. She's getting better at lying. She doesn't lie to me much, but there have been a few times when I'm not sure if she's telling the truth or not, and I have no way of checking.

But her sneakiness when she's trying to do something she knows she'll get in trouble for it cute. She is not allowed to jump on the couch, flip onto the couch, dive off the couch, etc. A few times lately she's told me "Don't watch this" or " Keep watching the tv" or "Keep reading your computer". Pretty good bet that she's going to do something on the couch she's not allowed to do.

Just now I set a cup of something I was eating on the couch. She casually wandered over to see if there was any left. There wasn't, so she asked if she could throw it away for me. Then as she's walking out of the room she says "Stay here and don't come in the family room". I don't care if she tries to scrape the sides of the cup or not, but I like that she at least warns me she's going to do something she thinks is disobedient. Makes my job a whole lot easier to have advanced notice.

Friday, September 07, 2007

How Pathetic Am I?!?

Remember Owen's old black sports car that sat in their driveway for years? Once, when I lived in Seattle, I saw one just like it. I was so homesick it made me miss Owen. Pretty bad, huh?

Today I was driving down the main street here on my way to the bank to open our accounts. As I was driving along, I saw a Value Village sign. And smiled. Over a stupid Value Village store. It made me feel like I was home again. And now I'm looking on ebay for raincoats for the Hopester and wondering what time Value Village opens tomorrow. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. The worst part is that I'm sad that I missed their Labor Day sale.

Do you think we have enough diapers??

Because this house doesn't have much storage space, my stockpile of daipers had to go in Naomi's closet. I think they take up about half the space in there. The five boxes of Huggies and Luvs are full of diapers too. And keep in mind that this is only my stockpile of size 4's; I have about 10 jumbo packs of 3's left too. My guesstimate of what sizes she'd need is a little off though. I thought I had plenty of size 3's, but Naomi doesn't have the tummy that Hope had, so the 3's are still plenty big on her. I bet she has another 6 months before I'll start to use up all these diapers in her closet.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

On and On and On and On and On and On and On and .........

That's my opinion of I-90. It's like the Energizer Bunny; it keeps going and going............and going and going.

We spent Friday night at Amy's house. The plan was that David would come home from work, we'd get the cars loaded up, David would go to his goodbye dinner with all the people from work, and I'd go to Amy's. The reality was that David came home from work, we spent a long time trying to get the house finished up, David went to his party, I continued to pack, David came home from his party, we spent a lot more time cleaning up and getting the cars packed, and finally went to Amy's house about 10:30pm. Hope didn't get one more evening to play with McKenna, we didn't get any real time to spend with Amy and Andre before we left. We sat on the couch and talked for about an hour and then we all went to bed.

As expected, we didn't leave at 7am like I wanted to. Instead we left about 8:30. The Garmin had us going West on Highway 20 instead of going back to I-90. That actually was fine with me because, although it wasn't 70 (or 90) mph the whole way, it was a lot more interesting. We took that highway into Indiana, and then somewhere headed north to Minnesota. Somewhere near the western edge of Minnesota we finally got on I-90.

Last year when we drove to Rockford, we spend most of our second day driving through South Dakota. It's a long, boring state. This time, we got to South Dakota about 1pm, and drove all the stinkin' way across the state. At one point I was very close to falling asleep; in desperation I took a cue from all the stupid comedy movies where they slap themselves to stay awake, and was surprised to find it actually works! We got to Rapid City about 9:30 but had to find a gas station (since the Blazer stalled on the off ramp, it was so empty), a place to eat, our hotel (and of course they didn't have our reservation correct so I had to frantically call Bryn to get more info) so I don't think we got to our room until 10:30. Poor Naomi was so exhausted she couldn't get herself calmed down and the room was so tiny- there was no place to put her where she couldn't see us- so we got to listen to her cry for awhile; it took lots longer for her to go to sleep than usual.

Sunday was more of the same: long, boring drive. Both the girls were probably heartsick to get strapped back into those carseats for another thirteen-hour trip. Hope entertained herself watching movies on her DVD player, but Naomi doesn't like to watch tv, so she entertained herself by bugging Hope. Halfway through the day we put Hope in David's car since the sun was shining on her side of the car; at least the Blazer has tinted windows to make it a little better. Naomi also figured out how to sleep in the car, so she wasn't as crabby Sunday. The bad part of the trip was that we got to the twisty, curvy part of the freeway in Montana at nightfall. I dislike driving in the dark; I hate driving at high speeds on curvy roads. The combo was not fun for me. But we got through it safely. David and I bought two-way radios so we could talk to each other during the stretches of Wyoming and Montana that don't have cell reception; we talked to each other alot and kept each other awake. Actually, the curves kept me very awake. David's parents were nice enough to wait up till 11:30 when we finally pulled into their driveway. Both girls were asleep but figured it was time to wake up when we got out of the car; we had a tough time convincing Naomi she needed to go back to sleep instead of making faces at Nana. Finally we got to go to bed, in a familiar bed, with our own bedroom, separate from both girls, back in Washington.

To God Be The Glory

To God be the glory, great things He hath done.........Isn't it funny how you can not hear a song in years, and yet one phrase can bring it back completely. About an hour into our drive back to Washington, we passed this barn. I can't remember the last time I sang that hymn, but I know the girls are probably sick of hearing it now since I sang it from Freeport, Illinois to Minnesota or South Dakota. And it wasn't like I just remembered the chorus; oh no, I was belting out all three verses and could hear Duane Jorgens singing tenor behind me. I think about how most churches today do mainly worship choruses and wish they'd sing more hymns like this one. After singing them for twenty years, it's kind of nice to have a hymnal commited to memory so when a little phrase like this comes along, the rest of the hymn just flows right out.