Friday, December 01, 2006

Roly Poly Naomi

Naomi figured out how to roll over quite a while ago, but she didn't do it much until the past few days. Now she rolls over as soon as you put her on the floor. The problem with that is she hates being on her tummy for more than thirty seconds and she can't roll back over onto her back. So this is our routine:
-I put Naomi on her blanket on the floor
-she rolls over instantly
-she waits a few seconds and then cries
-I turn her back over
-before I can resume what I was doing she's on her tummy again
I've told her to stop rolling over, but somehow she doesn't get it:) I'm thinking of putting pillows on both sides of her so she can't make it over. This morning she was crying in her crib and I just assumed she was on her tummy, so I finished what I was doing before I went in there. Well, she was on her tummy, but she'd somehow scooted around and backwards and had both legs stuck through the slats of the cribs. No wonder she was mad!

On a different note, we have at least a foot of snow that has fallen since last night. Aren't I excited. It's so deep that our patio chairs are covered up past the seats. Hope was telling me she wanted to build a snowman. I explained that snowman snow has to be wet so it will hold together, and it's so cold that this snow is too dry. She opened the curtain, looked outside, and said "Oh yes, you're right". I'm right!?! I guess there's a first time for everything:)

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