Friday, December 29, 2006

My Obedient Liitle Girl

We put Hope to bed about an hour ago. We could hear her in her room and assumed she was playing since she wasn't tired at bedtime. But I finally went up to check on her and see what she was doing. She'd been up there crying the whole time because we'd forgotten one step of the bedtime routine. (she's ALL about the routines) When I asked why she didn't come to the top of the stairs like she usually does if she needs something, she said "Well, daddy told me to stay in my room". I guess maybe we need to clarify the rules a little, but I was proud of her that even though she was upset, she obeyed what daddy had said. Her morning rule is she can't leave her room until I come get her. Even on Christmas day, when we woke up at nine in the morning, she was still in her bed, talking to her "guys" and "playing pretend" as she says. I know we still have a lot of years to mess up, but so far I think we've done an awfully good job rearing this little girl.


Mandy said...

I'm proud of Hopey for being such a good girl, she is.......but don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Tish said...

I know- I was going to put that in there that I hoped it didn't break- and I hope I don't jinx us by saying how good she is:)