Saturday, May 26, 2018

Nice To Meet Ya

It is currently May 26th, 2018 at 9:44 pm. It has been four years since Mama last posted. That's right, Mama.

Hi, I'm Hope. And I decided that I'm taking over this blog. I'm 14. Grown up, I know.

Mama mentioned something about her blog tonight. This was my first time hearing about it. Naturally, I questioned her, and read some of the posts myself. I was fairly overcome with nostalgia, but Mama doesn't need to know that. Any who, I liked the idea of continuing this blog. She said she wasn't posting anymore, and I have plenty of free time!

The last thing mom said about me in this blog was that I was belting Power in the Blood in the car. Luckily, I've continued singing. It's actually a huge part of my life now, and I don't know where I would be without it.

Naomi is in her tween years. Puberty is going to hit her soon, and it's obvious. She's cranky a hecking lot, and if often mean to me and the other two brothers. But I know that it will get better for her. I know it's tough.

Joel is now ten. I thought he was seven until a few months ago. He's much better than Mama descried in her posts. He still has him cranky moments, but he was diagnosed with ADHD and has medicine to help him. He's much better than he used to be. I remember how tough he was most times.

Daniel is turning 7 in about a week. He's been...interesting. He often misbehaved in school, but he's incredibly smart. He tends to throw fits a lot, but it's being worked on. It will be interesting to see what happens for him in the three years I'm still in this house.

Well, that's pretty much it. I don't have a whole lot to say right now, I just thought I'd update all of you guys. I really hope I can keep this going. Wish me luck.

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