Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Happy Heart is a Thankful Heart

I know- the Veggies think it's the other way around.  I'm pretty sure it goes both ways.

After the yearly facebook lets-be-thankful-for-a-whole-month bandwagon that I initially boycotted, I decided I'd join in for a few days, but with *real* things to be thankful for, not 'I'm thankful for socks' posts.

And even though I'm done with those posts, I still find myself being thankful for things I wouldn't have thought twice about before.

The other day I got an anniversary card in the mail from grandma, and I thought- I'm so thankful for a grandmother who sends cards for every holiday known to man, because these cards will not come for very many more years.

Thursday when I pulled into the driveway after taking Hope to choir and our 80-year-old neighbor was just finishing plowing our driveway with his tractor.  For the second time that week.  Thankful for sweet little old men who are willing to bundle up in subzero weather and plow the whole neighborhood, mainly for something to do.

Today when David got called in to work, since he took call for someone today.  And next Monday.  And next weekend.  Simply because I said we could use the money.  Don't need it- can survive without it, but he knows I feel more comfortable not taking money out of savings every month to make ends meet.  So although he doesn't like to take call and likes going to work on Saturdays even less, he takes it whenever any of the hospital techs offer.  Thankful.

Thankful, thankful, thankful.

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