Monday, August 26, 2013

Joel starts preschool today.  Oh good Lord....    ..............does his teacher have ANY idea what she's in for?  The medicine is helping, but not enough, in my opinion.  He still doesn't want to do anything anyone else's way, and he's even more emotional on the meds.  He'll cry and get upset when they tell him it's time to stop playing with the toys.  I think there's a chance, though, that he'll sit still and work if he's told to.  He's SO excited; I hope he's good and doesn't out himself as the problem kid on the first day.

Last night he got up around midnight to go to the bathroom.  He came in and told me that he didn't have anything to get to preschool on and asked if I could take him in my car.  As always, I would really love to know what goes on in that little brain of his.

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