Monday, April 25, 2011

More Changes

I like it when David is home. Really, I do. But somehow, even with four little munchkins, the house stays cleaner when David is gone.

No- not the house. The kitchen. If the kitchen and kitchen table are clean, I'm pretty ok with the rest of the house being a mess.

And David- how do I say this nicely- doesn't believe in the importance of a garbage can? Or putting things away? Usually, my cleaned-off kitchen counter survives until about .04 seconds after he enters the kitchen when he gets home.

But seriously, I do like having him home. The kitchen is a sacrifice.

And having a clean kitchen is my reward for putting up with him being gone so much!

He left at 3:30 this morning.

Joel got up at 7:30.

I got up at 8:00.

By 8:30, the clean dishes in the dishwasher (that had been there for two days) were put away, the dirty dishes that somehow get left on the counter, table, family room coffee table, family room floor were loaded into the dishwasher and being washed, the counters were cleared and washed down, and the kitchen table was washed off, ready for Hopester to spend the entire. freaking. day. at it doing her one hour of schoolwork.


And just to prove that my house is a huge mess and I just move my piles of crap around, here's a picture of my desk, that obviously didn't receive the same attention as the kitchen:)

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