Friday, May 28, 2010

Birthday for Hope

I kept telling Hope she couldn't have a birthday because I didn't want her to be any older than six. But she had one anyway. She had to wear most of the jewelry she owns to daycare, and took cookies so they could celebrate her birthday.

For dinner she wanted to go to Red Robin, mainly because she knows she'll get a sundae if she tells them it's her birthday. Joel found a half-inflated balloon floating around our table, so he played with that most of the evening and actually behaved himself! Poor Hope's sundae was forgotten about, but she wasn't too disappointed because she knew she had cake and ice cream waiting for her at home. A month ago Hope was grocery shopping with me and wanted to look at the cakes in the bakery. She found a Belle cake that she said she wanted for her birthday, so I ordered it for her and had David pick it up on his way home from work. During dinner he 'whispered' to me that they'd forgotten to make her cake and all they had left was a big football cake. Hope said that was fine- she didn't care what kind of cake she had. But she was awfully excited when we got home and she saw the Belle cake!

I've been buying her a hardback Little House on the Prarie book for her birthday and Christmas for the last two years, so she got the next Prarie book. Since she finally got her hair cut off last weekend, she got some cute headbands and hair clips to keep her hair back out of her face. And David wanted to get her a movie, but most of the disney movies we already had. So David got her E.T.- now maybe I'll finally watch that movie. The one thing I remember about it is that dad promised us he'd take us to see it when we lived in Coulee Dam and he never did. Pathetic thing to remember, isn't it:)

And silly Joel- on the way to Red Robin, he started saying "Key-no" as we passed the casino that's right off the freeway. I thought he was saying casino, but I had no idea how he'd know that word. Then on the way back, as we passed the casino again, he said "Key-no, right dere." Who knows how he knew it was a casino, except that there's a big Orca whale statue that Hope always wants to see, but usually we say to look at the whale, not look at the casino. Who knows. And during dinner he got chocolate milk with his meal, and when it was gone he handed me his cup and said "Want more chocolate please". Alrighty Joel.

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