Friday, April 24, 2009

Nocturnal convos with Naomi

"MMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" Whatever I was dreaming about is completely gone from my mind as I hear this shriek coming from the girls' room at 3:00 AM. So I go in there to see what's wrong and Naomi is in the middle of the room. She can't quite tell me what's wrong; I assume it's a nightmare of some sort. I put her back in her bed and notice she's covering her eyes- maybe the lamp is a little too bright. Ten minutes later she's wailing again, still with her face covered and buried in her pillow. This time Hope is awake too and a little scared. I go get Naomi and just put her in our bed. David asks what's wrong and she says something about naaah-suh gonk (gonk is scared or hurt, depending on the context). "Nasa? That's the space organization and they aren't going to hurt you. You don't need to be scared." It took her awhile to go back to sleep.

The next morning when I was a little more coherent, I tried to ask her again what was wrong in the night. She told me naah-suh again,and I finally figured out she was trying to say monster. Apparently there was a big green monster in her bed that scared her. I've called dad to see if Boston is missing part of their park, but somehow I think it's a different green monster residing in her room. So now Tubby is the Monster-nator and mosquito spray had become monster repellant, God made the monsters disappear and Naomi still is buying her face in her blanket at night.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another month gone by.....

...and nothing inspiring to blog about. I had a week off of work and got absolutely nothing accomplished. I was actually going to clean the house all at once, instead of in spurts whenever I felt the need...didn't happen. I was going to walk every day...didn't happen- well, I walked two days. I was going to scrapbook each day...Joel figured out how to open the cabinet I keep everything in, but he's the only one who got into everything. Nope, I sat on the couch, ate easter candy and read harry potter, and gained three pounds. Exciting vacay, no?

Naomi is half-heartedly potty training. She doesn't care. She likes the candy and new undies, but not enough to tell us she's about to pee. So I have to ask her every half-hour if she needs to go to the bathroom; at least she knows and can answer yes or no reliably. Monday I finally just took away the diapers completely; she didn't have any accidents that day. But Tuesday at daycare she had two, today only one- although they did put a diaper on her when they went outside to play and she pooped- at least it was in a diaper instead of her Elmo undies like yesterday:(-- Maybe no accidents tomorrow?? Hope was so much easier- she peed on the carpet once and was trained. Hope realized one of the girls in her sunday school class was on her soccer team last fall, so now all I hear about is "is it fall yet?" Dude, I'm really excited for warm weather and summer- could we not rush it?!?

Poor Joel had a 104 fever last weekend; I took him to the doc on Monday and he figured it was probably an ear infection. He actually offered antibiotics, which is unheard of for this guy. But within 24 hours, Joel had a rash all over his trunk. So I guess I have one child who is allergic to amox- how much you want to bet I'll forget- I'm so used to saying Nope, no allergies... And yesterday I discovered two new teeth in his mouth; no wonder he's been crying more in the night. Luckily he loves tylenol:) Hope has a bunch of wax in her ears and can't hear us lately unless we talk loudly, so we're going back to the doc Friday to have her ears checked. Oh joy.

Hope dyeing Easter eggs:

Mimi's new Elmo runders:

Mr. On-the-go:

And cause he's just so cute: