Friday, May 23, 2008

The Middle Child

It probably really sucks to be Naomi. She does get babied an awful lot, and gets her way more often than Hope ever did. But she also gets ignored more often, I think. I'm making an effort to take her places with me rather than always taking Hope and leaving Naomi with David. But the other day at work someone wanted to see pictures of my kids, so I pulled up this blog and easily found pics of Hope and Joel. You know when the last picture of Naomi is from? Christmas. So I'm posting a couple cute pictures of her so she doesn't start counting posts like I counted lines in the Christmas letters. But in that family the middle child always got more lines..........


BryneeJones said...

Um, hello, doofus, I read your blog. Why are you talking about me? I'm sorry that I got more lines in the letter that one year you counted ---- I'm sure there were plenty of years that I didn't, you just didn't count those years.
And she is a cutie patootie

BryneeJones said...

oh whoops, that was me that left that --- didn't realize i am signed in as bryn.