Thursday, April 03, 2008

Well good morning to you, too....

This morning I took Joel into Naomi's room and put him on the changing table so I could change his diaper and get him dressed. Naomi was awake, but I left her in her crib till I was done with Joel. This was the conversation that went on:
Naomi: Hi!
Me: Hi Naomi
N: Hi!!
Me: Hi
N: Hi...... Hi!..... HI!..... HIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!
Me: are you saying Hi to me or Joel?
N: Dole
Me: well, he isn't gonna say hi back.....


Mandy said...

you mean, she can actually talk?!?! I guess that means she isn't brain damaged after all! :)

Tish said...

Oh, I'm sure she's brain damaged- she's my kid for heavens sake- but she can communicate. Most of her words aren't readily recognizable by anyone but me, but she can say a few things :)

Mandy said...

you know i was kidding --- and making fun of the people (who shall remain least here) who were CONVINCED there was something wrong with her b/c she couldn't talk at 6 months.