Saturday, February 03, 2007

I think, I think, I think.... sleepless nights are over! I need a Happy Dance graemlin- I'd have a whole line of them! Naomi has slept through the night the past two nights. I've vaguely heard her wake up and cry, but by the time I'm awake enough to realize she's crying she's pretty much calmed down and going back to sleep. This morning she didn't wake up till 7:00; most mornings it's 6:00. Since she's proven she can do it, unless all hell breaks loose, I'm not going to be too quick to go feed her from now on even if she does wake up. The bad part is now I'm so used to getting up in the night I wake up anyway. Hopefully a few nights of uninterrupted sleep will cure that.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Whoo hoo!! I'm sure you'll both be sleeping through the night soon. It's tiring being a mom....... sleep, you need it!