Thursday, November 16, 2006

I See Expensive Taste in her Future

Today Hope says to me: "Mom, I'm very very hungry. Maybe we could go to Red Lobster?" What three-year-old asks to go to Red Lobster?!?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Silly Hope Things

You know that ketchup holder from grandma? Hope has decided it's Bob, and has to carry it everywhere with her. She even wanted to take it to show the doctor today- I vetoed that. People will think we're strange if my daughter carries around a plastic tomato.

Also this morning she decided to start in on the stool in her bathroom. Some days she just picks something to dwell on, and today it was the stool. Never mind that we've had it for two years. She asked who gave it to her. I told her I bought it at the store. She says "cause you thought I'd like it?" I said yes. She said "but it's not red" and walked off. As she was walking away I heard her say "this is terrible..." What a drama queen!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Is it really that hard??

David has a co-worker who kind of talks funny anyway, but she always pronounces Naomi's name "Nigh-omi". I just figured it's cause it's her. But Saturday we took Naomi to get her 3-month pictures, and the photographer said it the same way. I thought David said her name pretty clearly when she asked what her name was, so I couldn't figure out why she was mispronouncing it. Maybe I'm just smarter than most people:) but I think it's pretty easy. "NA-O-MI" Ok, I can see messing up the last syllable, but really, how can 'na' make a long 'i' sound? And I know Naomi isn't a common name, but I would think most people have at least heard it. Naomi Judd, Naomi Campbell, Naomi in the bible; it's not like I named her some made-up name. I had a patient once named Brede. Guess how his parents pronounced it. Brady. Now I can see not getting that one right. But come on, Naomi?!? Can you say, "Hooked on Phonics worked for me".