Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I'll admit it. I watch 19 Kids and Counting. I started watching it more as a "how-to" because I do not know how someone takes care of that many small children. I've realized, of course, that the older kids take care of the younger kids. What I needed was 6 Kids and Counting. That was when I actually would've gotten some pointers. But I've come to really like the show.

Tonight was the episode when their 20th child died. Technically, it was really just a miscarriage; did we need a full-fledged funeral? But, considering that the civilized world knew she was prego, they probably had to do things a bit differently than us normal folk. And as I watched said funeral, I started thinking about my younger brother.

I really don't know how far along mom was when he died; I think it was about five months, but I was six- what did I know. I don't know how far along she was when she found out he was dead- I think she thought he'd been dead a couple weeks by the time she found out. I don't know what labor was like, just that she was induced. I do remember asking her once how big he was, and she said he was tiny and fit in the palm of her hand. I never asked why she didn't name him. I wonder, if grandpa hadn't just died and had a cemetary plot, would he even have been buried? I never asked why she didn't take a single picture of her only son.

As I sat here and cried over this little girl half a continent away, from a family I've never even met, I realize how many questions I never bothered to ask about my own flesh and blood. So many things that I can't ask now; the only person who knew the answers is gone. And I wonder- what other questions am I not asking? I know there aren't many years left with several people; I fully expect to lose the remaining grandparents and parent within the next ten years. And I hope that I don't have nearly as many unasked questions when they're gone.

Friday, March 23, 2012

New Words

Daniel has started saying two new words this week- Doo-a and Gee-go. That's Dora and Deigo for people who don't speak his dialect. I will be extremely glad when all of my children are past the stage of adventuring with young hispanic explorers who always seem to be yelling.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I love the moment when I realize that one of my children has actually listened to the stuff I say. Today I asked Joel to put away the chairs to his little table. He picked up both of them and started back to the table. I said, "Wow- both at once?" He replied, "God gave us two hands, so I can carry two things."

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Shopping


Spent today: $1.38
Spent ytd: $103.40
Saved ytd: $353.04
Have: $10RR


Because I returned something that was supposed to trigger an UP+ but didn't, I had a negative total balance today.
Spent today: - $1.15
Spent ytd: $78.83
Saved ytd: $146.20
Have: $6 UP+

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Morbid Fascination

Naomi was asking today what I liked best in the world, besides the munchkins. I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to her, but she kept hounding me, so I finally asked why she wanted to know. "Well, we have to figure out what to put on that stone thing we put over your head when you die." I told her we didn't need to worry about it quite yet and we'd talk about it later. "Ok, we can talk about it tomorrow; you'll be a little bit closer to dying then."

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday Shopping

Walgreens:This was all they had...I made Grouchy Boy check.

Spent today: $21.72
Spent ytd: $102.02
Saved ytd: $318.23
Have: $10 RR


Observant persons might notice that there are only 3 Gardettos in this photo. I bought 4; one just didn't make it to photo time.
Spent today: $5.45
Spent ytd: $79.98
Saved ytd: $113.20
Have: $16 UP+

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Sunday Shopping

And I thought I was done with RiteAid...I don't like how they're not printing out the UP+ rewards anymore, but when they have such a good sale on diapers, I can't help but go. And tomorrow, I'm dragging David to a different RiteAid to sign him up for a rewards card so I can buy more diapers. He'll do just about anything for Reeses!

Spent today: $29.23
Spent ytd: $45.30
Saved ytd: $52.26
Have $15 UP+

ETA: I did this same transaction the next day with another card so I could get another $15 UP+. So the new totals are:
Spent ytd: $74.53
Saved ytd: $69.65
Have: $30 UP+