Sunday, July 26, 2009

4 kiddos

Zach was here for two weeks this month. The kids had so much fun with him. Hope talked him into setting up their little pool and watching them- David and I get sick of sitting out there, but Mr. Never-sunburns is fine with being in the sun till the girls are sick of the pool. While he was here, I had to work on one of my normal days off. I took Joel to daycare, but Hope and Naomi stayed home with Zach. I think all they did was watch Spongebob and play in the pool. Joel liked having someone besides his sisters to play with; they wrestled and had sword fights and played in the back yard. I enjoyed having someone actually eat what I made for dinner and enjoy it:) Too bad he has a job- he couldn't stay very long because he couldn't take a month off of work. It sure was nice to have him here even if it didn't last very long.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Stinkbug...........or Snugglebug?

Naomi has always been my little Stinkbug. Hopey is Sugarbug, and Stinkbug definitely described Naomi for the first two years of her life. Joel was such a cuddly little baby that he became Snugglebug. But now every night when I put Naomi to bed, she says "snuggle me?" before I leave. She loves it when I just lay in bed with her. And Joel has become more of a stinker; maybe I nicknamed them too soon.

The other night after I'd snuggled Naomi for a few minutes I told her it was time for me to go downstairs. When she asked why I said I had to go see about David. In her sweet little voice, she said "No, see 'bout me." I stayed a few extra minutes to see 'bout precious little mimi.