Saturday, January 31, 2009

'sup homies...

Naomi thinks her name is mimi. If you ask what her name is, she says mimi; if you ask if her name is Naomi or mimi, she says mimi; if you ask if her name is Naomi, she says 'no, mimi'. So in an attempt to teach her what her name really is, we've ditched the nickname for now. But she can't say her name very well. She says Homey. David thinks it's hilarious to make her say What's up, Homey. Poor little girl- she doesn't know he's making fun of her.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Little brothers

Today I saw a glimpse of the annoying, michevious little brother Joel will probably be. He loves to pull hair right now, and since Naomi plays with him quite a bit, she gets the majority of the hair-pulling action. So he grabbed a handful of hair and yanked on it. When she said Ouch and jerked away, he started grinning and clapping his hands. Little poop already delights in tormenting his sister.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


For lack of any blogging inspiration, I decided to post some of our disneyland pics.