Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Naomi is constantly getting
"wowies" as she calls it when she gets hurt. Except she doesn't have to actually get hurt. If she brushes up against something or the wind blows on her wrong, she comes running crying wowie and has to have whatever area has the aforementioned wowie kissed. And if one leg has a wowie, the other leg will have a matching one. Often she gets wowies when nothing seems to happen- I think she makes them up. And lately in lieu of actually kissing them for her, we tell her to give it a kiss. She will- she'll just kiss whatever body parts she can reach. Yesterday she'd come over and point to my arm and say Wowie? and then kiss my arm for me. Compassionate little thing.

Friday, July 25, 2008


These two- not so much:

These two- Joel is a little carbon copy:

The Joys of Motherhood

I've spent the last twelve hours cleaning up puke. We've gone through almost every blanket, sheet, towel, and pair of jammies in the house. Naomi started throwing up at bedtime last night and kept at it every half-hour or so till midnight. Hope joined the fun at 3AM. Poor thing slept on the floor in front of the bathroom door so she wouldn't have far to go. I fed Joel at 5:30-ish, and when I fed him again at 8, he'd thrown up. Luckily his isn't chunky:) He's still losing his milk; hopefully his will stop as quickly as the girls' did. If I'd known they were all going to get sick, I'd have made eggs for dinner instead of pizza. They slide up just as easily as they slide down.

How things change....

Remember when we were little and Oma would say "hold out your hand and shut your eyes...." I had some crackers in my hand to give Hope and I put them in my fist so Naomi wouldn't see them. I held my hand out, palm down, so I could put the crackers in her hand. She stared at my hand for a second, got a strange look on her face, and then fist-bumped me!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Lake Life

We had our monthly staff meeting yesterday at the docs' house. They live on Lake Stevens; I've been to their house before but it was for a Christmas party, so I didn't spend alot of time on the deck taking in the view. It's been beautiful here this week- I think it was about 78 degrees, sunny, and a little breezy. I did pay attention to the meeting, but I enjoyed watching people on the lake too.

Especially when I thought we'd move to Tucson, I sort of gave up on my lake house dream. But after sitting on that deck for two hours, I'm really hoping someday I can find a way to have a place on a lake. I miss the leisurely pace of being at the lake; life goes into slow-motion somehow. I remember several times going to McKannas' cabin on my day off and just laying on the dock and reading a book, being rocked almost to sleep by the motion of the dock, being warmed from the sun reflecting off the water............I don't know if it gets any better than that.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Sleep Matters

After the exhastion and crying all weekend, Joel needed some sleep badly! I figure he slept about 2 hours total on Friday, and the same on Saturday. He and Hope were both asleep before we got out of Quincy city limits, but they woke up after about an hour and a half. So I was all for putting him to bed early on Saturday. David mentioned that he thought Joel actually woke himself up in his cradle because it rocks a little when he moves, even though the rocker is locked. So I put him in Naomi's crib for the night. He slept for 14 hours! He did wake up once to eat, but went right back to sleep for three more hours. We all see where this is going, right? If he can sleep for 10 or 11 hours without eating, am I going to be real quick to get up when he thinks he's hungry after 4 hours? I also have been putting him in the crib for his naps too. Today I put him in the crib when he was looking pretty sleepy. He was quiet for a few minutes and then started crying. I was busy unloading the dishwasher, so I figured I'd go up when I was done. Guess who was asleep by the time I got up there:) I think we're finally to the age where he can start learning to put himself to sleep.

Since Joel is sleeping in the crib, Naomi got booted into the bunkbeds. She's actually staying in bed. Hope has a CD player and listens to a VeggieTales CD when she goes to bed, which Naomi discovered was a pretty neat way to fall asleep. So I told her if she got out of bed, the Veggies would get turned off. So far she's taken her naps in there too and hasn't tried to get out of bed. Let's hope she enjoys her Veggies enough to stay put.