Monday, January 28, 2008

Do you see a resemblance??

Naomi's hair has gotten long enough that it gets in her face it I don't do something with it. So I've started putting the front in pigtails, but they look like the horns on the Garbage Goat to me.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Painting Lesson

Today Hope had an introduction to one of the greatest artists in history, Bob Ross. Who'd you think I was going to say, Picasso? His voice is almost hypnotic. She sat and watched him paint, learned about happy little clouds, and helped him decide where the palm trees should live. Her primary observation? "His hair looks funny".

Monday, January 07, 2008

How do you explain adoption to a 4 year old?

Hope and I were watching Sesame Street and they had a part about babies. There were a bunch of different babies, and she says, "I don't want Joel to be a black baby; I want him to be white". So I tried to explain that if the mommy and daddy are white, then the baby will be white too. "Well, what about Alex? He's brown, but Aunt Mandy and Uncle James are white." So I asked her if she remembered when Alex first came here- he wasn't a little baby. I told her that Alex had another mommy and daddy before Mandy and James became his mom and dad. Typical Hope, she said "Well what happened? Did he get lost??" Gonna have to work a little more on explaining the concept of adoption before PB&J get here- she'll think there's just alot of lost little brown kids who happen to show up at Mandy's house.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This kid remembers everything!!

Hope has an amazing memory. I've always known that. But this morning we were watching the Rose Bowl parade-- she was VERY impressed with the floats-- and she started telling me how it was just like the parade she went to at our old house with Grant and Chloe. Ok, we went to the Lilac Parade ONE year, and she was a few weeks from being two! How does she remember that?? And dad thought she'd forget about aunt Carol's pony............