Thursday, June 28, 2007

Summer School

Well, Hope and Naomi have officially completed their first week of daycare. Hope is in a PreK class, although I don't know that they're really doing much schooling since it's summer. Hope has had a few little attitude problems, but her teacher said today that she did really well- no pouting because someone didn't share with her or because she got scared. According to the teachers, she's entertaining everyone with her dancing and singing, and she seems to be re-enacting parts of Shawshank Redemption, only in reverse. Every day when she's out on the playground, she puts a handful of the rocks in her pocket to bring home. I don't know what her fascination is with rocks, but she acts like she's found wonderful little prizes out there and shows them to me thinking I'll be so thrilled. If she keeps it up, the playground is going to be rock-less.

Naomi is starting to adjust too. I don't think she's been taking naps, although today they told David she had her best day so far, and she took two naps. Even with her naps, she's been in bed every day when I've gotten home. Unfortunately even on days I get off work at five, I don't get home till around six. Since six is her normal bedtime, she's already snoozing when I get here. Tonight I woke her up so I could play with her for awhile, but she was crabby so I put her back to bed. I'm starting to re-think this working and daycare stuff, but it is nice to do something besides sit on this couch all day.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Happy Birthday Hope

Hope was so excited about her birthday! We didn't really do much; we were going to go to the Riverfront Park here, but there was something going on there. So we stayed around the house and Hope went out back and played most of the day. We told her we'd go wherever she wanted for dinner. Unfortunately she wanted McDonalds for dinner. After some persuading, we finally talked her into Red Robin. The promise of a ballloon and a free sundae helped a little. She loved having them sing to her and thanked the waitress several times for her balloons!

Here's a couple more pics from her birthday, and one of Naomi just cause she's cute!