Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

Apparently Hope is a little confused about what this phrase means. I guess David had been prepping her to tell me that, cause she'd mentioned several times something about it was going to be Happy Mother's Day.

Sunday morning we were getting ready to go to the zoo and I was combing Hope's hair. She has turned into the biggest baby about having her hair brushed. If she can feel any tension at all, she starts crying and says it hurts. I was trying to tell her (ok, yelling at her) that just because she can feel it doesn't mean it hurts.

She turned around and said to me, "I thought today was supposed to be happy mothers day, not angry mothers day!"

Friday, May 11, 2007

And now for another edition of the Hope Show.......

Apparently there are dangers to not completely explaining theology to a three year old. Yesterday David sent Hope to her room because she will NOT share anything with Naomi. Even if it's Naomi's toy, if Hope has touched it in the last few days, Naomi can't have it. So she was supposed to go to her room until she was willing to share with her sister. A few minutes later she bounces back into the kitchen. David asked her if she was ready to share, and she said, "No, but God told me I could come out of my room anyway." I tried to explain that God wouldn't tell her to do something different than what mommy and daddy told her to do, and I was pretty sure it wasn't God who told her she could come out of her room. Pretty inventive way to get out of her room, though.

We've been going to lots of yard sales trying to stock up on bigger clothes for Hope. I got tons of them when she was little from Michelle and Amy, but now those boxes and totes full of clothes are turning into occasional Target bags full.............. So I've been going to lots of sales that advertise kids clothes. And usually if there's kids clothes, there's kids toys. Yesterday Hope asked for toys at every one we went to. She did get a big box of legos, so I didn't completely ignore her requests, but apparently she decided to change her tactics today. At one of the first sales we went to, she found a bunch of stuffed animals she wanted, brought them over, and said she really thought we should get them for Naomi. Yeah, right, Hope; Naomi doesn't know who Dora and Barney are, but I'm SURE she'd love to have some stuffed toys of them. And I bet there's no ulterior motives here, either.