Sunday, April 29, 2007

Inquiring Minds Want To Know

Hope was standing at the window, staring outside, lost in thought. After a few minutes she turned and asked, "Mom, do you think Dr. Phil lives in Rockford?" No, Hope; I am pretty sure Dr. Phil does not live in Rockford.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Zoo

Hope and I were talking about going to the zoo this summer and I asked her what animals she thought she'd see. She rattled off a bunch of them, and one of them she said was dinosaurs. I told her there weren't dinosaurs at the zoo. Being Hope, she says, " Well, then where do they keep all the dinosaurs?" I told her there aren't any dinosaurs anymore, and then she says, " Maybe they have a different zoo for the dinosaurs........." Listening to me isn't her one of her strong points.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring, Spring, Spring

Oh, the barnyard is busy in a regular tizzy and the obvious reason is because of the season........
Is it possible to not sing this song whenever you hear the word spring?

There's really not much new here to write about. The weather is getting pretty nice after last week's snow. Hope has spent several hours outside playing the past few days. She loves running around the backyard. With no fences, she loves running through all the neighbors' backyards too.... The trees here shed twigs like crazy, so she picks up all the sticks and plays with them. She has a big pile of 'em on the side of the house. And we're not allowed to throw them away:) She can't quite get on the swings without help, but she lays on them and twirls around. How she doesn't get dizzy and barf is beyond me.

It was about 65 degrees today, so when David got home from work we all went out to do some yardwork. Naomi sat on a blanket and enjoyed the breeze and fresh air. She loved it outside!! Normally she gets bored if she'd doing the same thing for more than a couple of minutes, but she just sat on her blanket, played with her socks, and was content to be out in the sunshine. We'll have to find a park with a baby swing- besides our neighbor's swingset- and let her have some swinging time.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hope's Moon Story

This is the story she just told me. It was basically an attempt to get out of taking a nap today. Now you have to imagine her telling it, drama queen that she is, complete with dramatic voice and expansive hand gestures.

Once upon a time
I saw the moon at night
I see the moon in sight
And there's a man
And I see a light
From the moon

She made it up herself. I don't know if she knows about rhyming, or if that just was a coincidence. What. A. Nut.