Monday, January 29, 2007

The Faith of a Child

Last week one of David's coworkers came over for dinner and to watch American Idol. We all sat down for dinner, and Hope says "we forgot to say prayers". Now, Cindy is in no way, shape, or form a Christian, but we all, Cindy included, folded our hands and bowed our heads while Hope said her prayer. Usually she makes us say it first and she repeats what we say, but she managed her own prayer that night. The next night Hope was already at the table eating when David and I sat down with her. Pretty soon she piped up with "Um, guys, we need to pray..." Last night when I put her to bed, her bedtime prayer consisted of things like "thank you for my lamp, thank you for my room"; I think there were some thank-you's for some of her guys. Such simple things that I don't think to say thank you for, but things that she recognizes as blessings worth remembering.

Do you ever think that maybe God speaks with the voice of a three-year-old? I'm finding that seeing my faith reflected in my child makes me want to live it all the more.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Gimme Monster

Yesterday Hope and I attempted to write her thank-you notes for her Christmas presents. This is how it went:

Me: Grandma and grandpa Keith gave you your easel. What do you like about your easel?
Hope: I want grandpa Keith to buy me a yo-yo.
Me: Ok, Nana and Papa got you all your paints and art stuff. What's your favorite part about them?
Hope: Maybe Papa will buy me a yo-yo.
Me: Didi got you your backyardigans game. What do you want to tell her about it?
Hope: I know! Didi can buy me a yo-yo!

I don't even know if she knows what a yo-yo is. Where did she come up with this? Then today when we were in the check-out line at Target she grabbed something and asked me to buy it. This is how that conversation went:

Hope: can you get this for me?
Me: sure, what is it?
Hope: ....(blank look)
Me: if you can tell me what it is, I'll buy it for you. What is it? (it was a box of Mentos; I knew there was a pretty slim chance she'd know)
Hope: well, see, it's these little white circle things....
Me: Wrong answer; put it back.

We've been talking alot about Madame Blueberry lately, trying to emphasize the point that she was never happy no matter how much stuff she had. I think we may have to watch that episode a few more times. The next several days I'm thinking we're going to be singing The Thankful Heart song around this house. It seems to have worked with the Have Patience song I used to make her sing. This morning when Naomi was crying because I wasn't making her oatmeal fast enough, Hope said "Naomi, she's making it; be patient" and started singing her the song:)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Gee, Thanks Hope

I just went upstairs to put on a sweater because I was cold. I have a green chenille sweater that's real soft, so that's what I grabbed. When I came back downstairs, Hope said "Oh mom, I love that shirt you put on. You look like a big, green ogre!" Maybe I need to take Shrek out of the VCR and put in a nice princess movie.